Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mullewa gals hot, blingy rings!

What a weekend!
Long, productive, fun filled days!

Check out the Mullewa Gals awesome results!

We set kiln safe stones in clay ball bezels and made shanks to embed in the base of our little house's ..... and I let the girls talk me into doing a third technique..the rivet post, which was all fine and dandy except time did not permit the completion of this...so there were several chatty catch up evenings in my lounge room, come studio!  

Special thanks to Kate Mckinnon and all those who generously share their techniques
and creative tips in books and otherwise! 

Sharing the Love.....silver clay rings and bling!

As part of this mentorship I have aimed to share some of the skills I have gained with my local community! This has partly been done through casual lounge room workshops and conversations with the increasing group of clay gals in Mullewa...and more recently through a series of workshops!

A weekend of Silver clay rings and bling!

You can see the gals brains in action as they draft out their designs!

The girls struggle with difficult clay due to the super hot conditions!
 Oh joy, of joys Mullewa in the summertime!   

Bev is looking pretty pleased...finally success!

 Janine Crudeli's little witch's house is awesome!

In her first attempt, I do believe the student has surpassed the teacher! Rock on girl!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thanks Mullewa!

I received many queries as to 'why' I would choose to have my exhibition in Mullewa, when Geraldton or Perth would provide better exposure and greater potential sales...for me this was an easy choice. It was important for me to share this with and thank those who have been part of this journey with me and.....to walk my talk! 

Things of value can indeed come from small regional communities!   

Little things from.... opening night, and what a night it was! A full and enthusiastic house, a bus load of jewellery students from Geraldton along with locals and friends! 

Some of my silver babies even found new homes!

Special thanks to Debbie and Jane for all your assistance on the night!

Thank you Mullewa!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


The days leading up to the exhibition were filled with the usual madness, long hours and creative doubt.........and finally my babies are set out for the world to see (well Mullewa anyway)!