Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Creative mess and chaos galore!

It approaching fast....and it always does....the dreaded deadline! Hits you like the hallway wall when you've taken a wrong turn on your way to the loo in the darkness of night, through sleepy eyes!

A most wonderful guy I know, Sunny Drake used to call them LIVESPIRALs...how inspired! Doesn't that  motivate and energise? Where as the DEADLINE...seriously, is full of dread and everything thing that is stuck and non-moving! 

Well its been livespiral all round for more, action central...finishing off all those UFO's (for the non-crafters out there.....Un Finished Objects) and trying to pull some sort of sense and cohesion out of thin air to make this mismatch of work talk to each other...and get some positive relations going on! 

Under the professional hand of Julie Hill..its happened...she has guided and prompted me until it all made sense! Through out this whole project Julie has been there asking me the right questions, so I could find the right answers! Thanks juba! If you want to find out more about what Julie does and how she might be able to work with you...click here!

Monday, February 13, 2012

A heart or seven for Valentines day!

I had someone comment the other day that I don't actually show any of my finished work on the blog.....good point, I say! This has been partly on purpose as what desire would you have to attend an exhibition where you have already seen all the work...I ask you! Not much motivation going on there...so I have kept most of my finished treasures hidden away....but today being the big 'V' day, I thought I'd share a heart or two with you all!

 You make my HEART soar!

I'd go to the moon for you sweetHEART!

A HEART full of Hope!

Handle this HEART with care and together we will mend!

The innocent HEART!

A HEART that knows its self!

The HEART full of faith!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pewter casting with Christine Atkins!

What a treat this was...to meet the down to earth and creatively well endowed Christine Atkin
and learn the very cool process of pewter casting! 

we started by carving our designs into some cuttle fish!

Secure the cuttle fish to a tile, melt the pewter and pour it in....

...and out it comes!

Saw, file and sand then, Wohola! 

Christine is an extremely giving and open tutor with a wealth of knowledge 
and she makes the most exquisite sculpture and jewellery pieces to boot....check out her 
website to see her work and workshop schedule! Chick here to see her site!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Colour me patina

Playing with patina and Oeeeeeewwwwww what a lovely range of colours! 
I used to be a plain satin silver gal, now please colour me patina! 

You just gotta love the way you have to let go of all control and enjoy the moment and the surprise it delivers!